Business transactions are divided into 【
Related-party Transactions】 and 【
Independent Transactions】.
【Related-party Transactions】occur when transactions are being carried out between two parties who are joined by a pre-existing business relationship or common interest, including transactions between the parent company and its subsidiaries.
Whereas【Independent Transactions】refers to the general transaction with the market where transactions between two entities that have no connection or affiliation with each other. These transactions are entered into by the parties based solely on their commercial interests and are not influenced by any existing relationship between the entities.
In short, transfer pricing is used to determine costs when related parties were required to transact between one and another.
Transfer price should not differ much from the market price. 🙅♂️ Thus, it is obliged to prove that price gap does not exist when transactions were being made between related party.
How should you prove it?
In order to prove that the transfer price is within the arm's length price, it is necessary for you to prepare【Transfer Pricing Documentation】for authorities' review purpose to ensure fairness and accuracy of transfer pricing among related entities!!