Intensive 2-day Virtual Training Course

Transfer Pricing (TP)
Documentation DIY Course

Reserve your seats!! 
10 & 11 April 2025  (Thu & Fri)

9.00am to 5.30pm

Zen Chow, YYC Executive Director & Tax Practice Leader
Jeremy Tan, YYC Transfer Pricing Consultant


Subject to Terms and Condition apply* 

Learn how to prepare a "MINIMUM Contemporaneous TP Documentation" ON YOUR OWN and "how to COMPLY with the Arm’s Length Principle​"


  • ​Understanding the TP principles
  • ​Case Studies, Examples and Q&As to help you to apply the TP principles


  •  Comprehensive Guidance to prepare a Minimum TP Documentation
  • ​​​Step-by-step illustrations on how to prepare each section of the Minimum TP Documentation
  • ​Interactive Engagement with the trainers


  • [FREE] Minimum TP Doc Template (word file)
  • ​[FREE] Minimum TP Doc Sample Reports
  • ​[FREE] More than 300 slides of slides content
  • [FREE] BONUS 60 minutes Post Live Q&A session on 06 May 2025 @ 2.30pm

TOTAL: RM 3,388

ONLY RM 2,688

Or RM 1,800 
for YYC Tax/Audit/Account Client or taxPOD subscriber 


Are you required to prepare 【Transfer Pricing Documentation】? 
The concept of Transfer Pricing was first introduced into the Malaysian tax legislation effective 1 January 2009 with the enactment of the Section 140A of the Income Tax Act 1967, as well as the gazettement of the Income Tax (Transfer Pricing) Rules 2012 ("Malaysian Transfer Pricing Rules"). It governs the standard and rules based on the arm's length principle to be applied on transactions between associated persons.

In other words, taxpayers or any company that carried out any related-party transactions are required to prepare a【FULL】 Transfer Pricing Documentation if they meet ANY of the following requirements:
  • ​Generates gross business income of more than RM30 million in total and engages in cross-border controlled transactions totaling RM10 million or more annually; or 
  • Receives or provides controlled financial assistance of more than RM50 million annually.
However, there are EXCEPTIONS to【FULL】Transfer Pricing Documentation:
 - Generates gross business income of ≤ RM30 million in total and engages in cross-border 
controlled transactions totalling < RM10 million; or 
 - Receives or provides controlled financial assistance of ≤ RM50 million annually.


What is Transfer Pricing?
Business transactions are divided into 【Related-party Transactions】 and 【Independent Third Party Transactions】.

Related-party Transactions】occur when transactions are being carried out between two parties who are related, including transactions between the parent company and its subsidiaries.

Whereas【Independent Third Party Transactions】refers to the general transaction with the market where transactions between two entities that have no connection or affiliation with each other. These transactions are entered into by the parties solely based on their commercial interests and are not influenced by any existing relationship between the entities.

In short, transfer pricing is used to determine costs when related parties engage in transactions with one another. The transfer price should not deviate significantly from the market price. Therefore, you are required to demonstrate that no price gap exists when transactions occur between related parties, in accordance with the Arm's Length Principle

How well do you know about Arm's Length?
The Arm’s Length Principle
IRBM has adopted the arm’s length approach in determining the transfer price of a controlled transaction. In the arm’s length approach, a transfer price of a controlled transaction must adhere to the arm’s length principle - which refers to the price that would have been determined if such transactions were uncontrolled transactions (transactions carried out between independent entities).
How should you prove it? 
In order to prove that the transfer price is within the arm's length price, it is necessary for you to prepare【Transfer Pricing Documentation】for authorities' review purpose to ensure fairness and accuracy of transfer pricing among related entities!!

Our 2-day Training
ENABLES You To Prepare Your Own Minimum TP Documentation

When Should TP Doc Be Made Available To The IRB?
TP Documentation was required to be submitted within【30 days】upon request by the IRB for TP audit cases which have commenced before 1 January 2021. 
TP Documentation is now required to be submitted within【14 days】upon request by the IRB for TP audit cases which have commenced on or after 1 January 2021
How to Prepare a Minimum Transfer Pricing Documentation?
2 Options as follows:

1. Engage with a Professional Tax Agent 
Transfer Pricing service offerings in the market easily cost more than RM10k due to the difficulties and complexity of documentation. Although it may be time-saving in the short-term, but it might not be cost effective in the long-run. 

2. Learn from the Professionals and Do-It-Yourself
This option allows you to have a better understanding on the overall process of the Transfer Pricing documentation which give rise in a cost-effective way in the long-term as you no longer need to depend on the tax agent. 

Note: Penalty for failure to furnish TP Doc!

The Budget 2021 announcements gazetted under the Finance Act 2020 have tightened the Transfer Pricing compliance requirements in Malaysia with effect from 1 January 2021.
 Section 113B :
Where a company fails to furnish TP Documentation upon request by the IRB, the taxpayer may be subject to a penalty of between RM20,000 and RM100,000

The course will cover the following: 

  • Introduction to TP & Overview of TP in Malaysia
  • ​Who & When Should One Prepare Transfer Pricing Documentation
  • ​Duty & Importance of TP Documentation
  • ​TP Adjustments and Penalties
  • Minimum TP Documentation:
    (i) Organisational Structure (ii) Controlled Transactions (iii) Pricing Policies
  • Overview of Five (5) TP Methodologies
  • ​Overview of Benchmarking Study
  • TP Considerations for Specific Transactions
    (i) Intragroup Services (ii) Intragroup Financial Transactions​
  • ​Updated information based on latest Malaysia Transfer Pricing Guidelines 2024​
  • [DIY SESSION] Prepare Your Own Minimum Contemporaneous TP Documentation​ 

Meet Our Trainers

Zen Chow
YYC Executive Director and Country Tax Leader BBusCom (Monash), CPA (Aust.), C.A. (M), FCTIM, CTP
  • ​Licensed Tax Agent recognised by the Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia and Ministry of Finance (MoF)
  • ​Licensed GST Agent recognised by RMCD & MoF
  • Chartered Accountant of Malaysian Institute of Accountants (MIA)
  • ​​Fellow Member of the Chartered Tax Institute of Malaysia (CTIM) and formerly Chairman of the Public Practice Committee
  • ​HRDC Malaysia Certified Qualified Consultant and Trainer
  • ​Awarded as the Top 50 Malaysia Influential Educators by the National Consumer Action Council (MTPN)
  • ​He has been involved in the tax compliance and tax advisory works for more than 19 years in various industries ranging from manufacturing, trading, franchisor / licensor, education, investment holding, agriculture, foundation, association and trade union.
  • ​Active in giving tax related talks and seminars such as budget talk and tax updates seminar, including company tax planning, personal tax planning, tax investigation, Malaysian annual budget analysis, latest tax developments and other tax related topics.
  • Frequently invited by media such as Bernama, TV2, 8TV, 8FM, BFM, 988, Melody FM and AiFM to share on tax topics
Jeremy Tan
YYC Tax Advisory Director
ACTIM, BSc Bus. & Mgmt. (Oxford Brookes)
  • ​More than 14 years of experience in one of the Big 4 accounting firms and mid-tier accounting firms​
  • ​Provides corporate tax planning and advisory services for local SMEs as well as cross-border clients dealing with international taxation laws & regulations. ​
  • ​​Rich experience in manages a wide range of transfer pricing engagements ​
  • ​A qualified consultant and certified HRD Corp trainer

YYC - Who Are We and Why You Should Trust Us?

  • Expertise and Experience - Our firm, YYC, has a 51-year history of helping clients take their businesses to newer heights. Our tax advisors have over 75 years of combined experience in the industry and have been involved in tax compliance and tax advisory work in various fields.
  • ​Proven Track Record - Our team is led by tax professionals who are bilingual (Mandarin and English) and regularly give tax-related talks and seminars that have benefitted over 150,000 individuals to date.
  • Passion To Help - After coming across so many frustrated business owners who had been paying loads of unnecessary tax for YEARS until they met us, we are very committed to tackling tax problems, hence that was why we developed this course to help companies impacted by the tightened Transfer Pricing compliance requirements.
Established in 1974, YYC is an Asian-grown accounting and advisory firm. Backed by our commitment to empower entrepreneurial success, YYC Group has served 20,000 clients across Malaysia and Singapore. Through our YYC Business School, we have also trained more than 475,000 participants with more than 7,000 workshops conducted to date. 
  Further Enquiries?
Contact us at +60108247309 (WhatsApp HERE)
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